/manager/Index en-au 5 Wolfgang Iser and literary anthropology /manager/Repository/uon:7441 Wed 11 Apr 2018 09:58:05 AEST ]]> Creativity and creative industries: from romanticism to idiosyncratic agency, social networks and knowledge systems /manager/Repository/uon:28776 Wed 11 Apr 2018 09:37:34 AEST ]]> A Systems Perspective in Examining Industry Clusters: Case Studies of Clusters in Russia and India /manager/Repository/uon:53163 Wed 07 Feb 2024 15:06:46 AEDT ]]> A hypothesis for self-organization and symmetry reduction in the synchronization of organ-level contractions in the human uterus during labor /manager/Repository/uon:23393 Tue 24 Apr 2018 11:33:54 AEST ]]> Health and disease: Emergent states resulting from adaptive social and biological network interactions /manager/Repository/uon:35915 Thu 16 Jan 2020 15:10:09 AEDT ]]> People-centred health systems, a bottom-up approach: where theory meets empery /manager/Repository/uon:32648 needs of patients, providers and communities, and ultimately results in declining effectiveness and efficiency of the health care system as well as the health of the wider community. A needs-focused complex-adaptive health system can be represented by the 'healthcare vortex' model; how to build a needs-focused complex-adaptive health system is illustrated by Eastern Deanery AIDS Relief Program approaches in the poor neighbourhoods of Nairobi, Kenya. Findings and conclusions: A small group of nurses and community health workers focused on the care of terminally ill HIV/AIDS patients. This work identified additional problems: tuberculosis (TB) was underdiagnosed and undertreated, a local TB-technician was trained to run a local lab, a courier services helped to reach all at need, collaboration with the Ministry of Health established local TB and HIV treatment programmes and philanthropists helped to supplement treatment with nutrition support. Maternal-to-child HIV-prevention and adolescent counselling services addressed additional needs. The 'theory of the healthcare vortex' indeed matches the 'empery of the real world experiences'. Locally developed and delivered adaptive, people-centred health systems, a bottom-up community and provider initiated approach, deliver highly effective and sustainable health care despite significant resource constraints.]]> Thu 14 Apr 2022 11:04:06 AEST ]]> Scripting humour in conversational agents: improvisation and emergence of humorous interchanges /manager/Repository/uon:12289 Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:10:11 AEDT ]]> The impact of governance: collision of the social and political dimensions on sustainable post disaster redevelopment /manager/Repository/uon:17187 Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:06:29 AEDT ]]> Multimorbidity and chronic disease: an emergent perspective /manager/Repository/uon:20476 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:59:02 AEDT ]]> Zhu Xi's neo-Confucian school: an organizational studies reading /manager/Repository/uon:26607 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:33:57 AEDT ]]> Asymptotics, reduction and emergence /manager/Repository/uon:3741 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:20:53 AEDT ]]> Deep, helical, communal nesting and emergence in the sand monitor: ecology informing paleoecology? /manager/Repository/uon:47499 Mon 23 Jan 2023 11:54:33 AEDT ]]> Leadership in regional innovation management: new theoretical and policy perspectives /manager/Repository/uon:28863 Fri 28 Jul 2017 11:44:01 AEST ]]>